Twelve P2V-5s (serials 19-21/19-32) were delivered to the Marineluchtvaartdienst No. 320 Squadron between October 1953 and January 1954. Beginning in 1960 these aircraft were progressively withdrawn from use and by 1962 all had been transferred to Portugal.
Fifteen P2V-7Bs (serials 200/214) were delivered to No. 321 Squadron between September 1961 and February 1962. The P2V-7Bs had a solid cannon nose and with the exception of 200 were all upgraded to the SP-2H standard. Following the dissolution of No. 321 Squadron., the Neptunes were taken over by No. 320 Squadron. As France stepped up its Neptune replacement program, the MLD Neptune force was supplemented by four French SP-2Hs during 1965. No. 320 Squadron retired its last seven Neptunes in March 1982.
These images graciously provided by Giesbert Oskam via W.J. van den Tol