BuAer 150282
SP-2H, Black Hills Aviation*, Stead, NV, 08/92.

BuAer 135587
P-2H, Neptune Inc., 10/95

BuAer 144681
P-2H, Black Hills Aviation*.

P-2H, Neptune Inc, Albuquerque, NM 2001. This is the new paint scheme on Neptune Inc's P2V's.

Nepinc_tanker10_a.jpg (62201 bytes)  Nepinc_tanker10_b.jpg (44199 bytes)  Nepinc_tanker10_c.jpg (45632 bytes)
3 shots of Neptune Aviation’s T-10 taken at Kalispell, Montana in July 2001. Photos Courtesy Craig M. Happ.

BuAer 145918
P-2H, Black Hills Aviation*, Alamagordo, NM, 1992.

*Black Hills Aviation was founded in 1958 by Arnold Kolb. Black Hills Aviation operated Boeing B-17s from 1964-1980. Lockheed P-2V Neptunes were purchased in 1974, and sold to Neptune Aviation Services, Inc. in 1993.